About the Synergy Games | Love Wins!

The Synergy Games are brought to you by Compassion Games, a nonprofit incorporated in Washington state and SINE (Synergized Impact Network Exchange) a global alliance of members committed to large-scale behavior change through collaborative learning, innovation, and unprecedented unified action.

The SINE Network maintains a map of the organizations and members.


What’s the “Point of the Game”? 

The point of the game is to move all of us forward in a purposeful way to a better future for everyone. You cannot lose the Synergy Games | Love Wins! We are looking to source solutions and collectively empower the most inspiring and effective ideas for Being Healthy. Being Kind. Being Better!

What do you mean by “Synergy”?

Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.  Players add their support to the solutions that are posted. We share and make Waves in support of the best humanity has to offer.  

What is your theory of Social Change? What are the stages of scaling up, scaling out, and scaling deep? 
This diagram shows the stages of scaling an innovation goes through, as well as the scope of the kind of social change the solution is intended to create.