How to Play


Sign up to play. Players report on compassionate actions in the Solutions Commons that renew our spirits and move us forward to a better world for everyone.  Discover and share the most creative “pro-social” solutions to being healthy, kind, and having the world come back better. 


Players post these solutions onto the Compassion Games Facebook Page. Our goal is to empower the very best solutions that humanity has to offer and advance the latest expertise in sustainable development. Give us something inspiring to share and synergize with the world!


Compassion Games and SINE Network will review, curate, tag, and share the posts. Players will react, comment, and share the solutions posted. Players can engage from the Facebook page and this website. The solutions with the most engagement will be added to the Synergy Games: Leaderboard.


Groups of selected experts will convene in online “rooms” to review and advance the solutions on the Leaderboards.   “Solution Exchanges” and Programs are broadcasted and open to the public interested in connecting and empowering these game-changing solutions.


Collective-Sharing turns a Livestream into a Wave. The syndicated SINE Network makes SINE Waves by “simulcasting” onto multiple pages, groups, channels and platforms.  Everyone is encouraged to share: Let’s Make Waves!

Motivating Vision

Welcome to a special edition of the Compassion Games; the Synergy Games | Love Wins! – Advance of the Loving BE’s: Be Healthy. Be Kind. Be Better

The point of the game is to move all of us forward in a purposeful way toward a better future for everyone.  As we play we synergize our collective capacity with the power of combining social media, mainstream media, and video conferencing.  Together we advance the innovations, tools, and strategies that enable us to be healthy, kind, and come back better.

For eight years the Compassion Games have fostered creativity to propel empathy into action. We have developed ways to do this together, safely, online, and in the real world.  Now is the time for all of us to up our game. 

We are of one biology. We are many peoples, organized around shared values. We connect through our suffering as well and can see that clearly now. There are so many people who are dealing with tremendous grief, pain, and loss. Most will remain faceless. Nevertheless, we are one human family, and the hurt of one is the hurt of all.

But importantly, the good of one is also the good of all.  We are at a moment of choice.

Do we choose to act out of love or fear? 

What happens when a growing number of us choose to show our love and concern for one another without letting our fears overcome us? 

Welcome to the Advance of the Loving BE’s!: Be Healthy. Be Kind. Be Better!

A Challenge to Creatively Amplify the Best the World Has to Offer

The Synergy Games promote solutions that can help all of us, protect our most vulnerable, share our collective wisdom, hope, compassion, and creativity; all while staying healthy and safe.

The participants in the games are Players, Reporters, and Experts. The game organizers are Compassion Games and the members of the SINE Network. The Games are not about winning or losing, they are about empowering creativity, building community, improving well-being, and the cross-pollination of great ideas.

Mayors Challenge!

Sign Up Your Mayor

If you are a Mayor, represent a Mayor, or are interested in enrolling your Mayor Sign Up Here.

The Synergy Games will provide a stream of the most inspiring and creative solutions that combine action and impact on the everyday problems that Mayors are addressing. Solutions that create inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities. Solutions that improve the quality of life, increase prosperity, promote social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

We will broadcast The Mayors Synergy Challenge hosted by Mayor Greg Fischer, the Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, the self-proclaimed “Most Compassionate City in the World.”

Watch Mayor Fischer put out the Call to Play the Synergy Games!

Featured Solutions


The Leaderboard Carousel shows solutions many players have engaged with. Click on the dots or swipe to move forward and backward.

Solutions Commons

A Solution Commons is a collectively developed and maintained common-pool resource.  The Solution Commons enables anyone to discover and share solutions from all over the world to address the challenges we face.

The solutions that are shared on the Facebook Page are tagged using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals aka the Global Goals. The Solutions are integrated onto this website. There is a page dedicated to each of the Global Goals that shows the solutions. Click on the Global Goal to access the Solutions Commons page.